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  • New, intuitive, easy to use graphical interface

  • Simple and quick learning process

  • Color display

  • Perform all the tests typical of modern athletic preparation (such as sprint, shuttle, resistance, courses) or customized ones

  • Single or double photocells available

  • Unlimited extra photocells for unlimited intermediate times

  • Acquire results with an accuracy higher than one thousandth of a second

  • Easy and fast repositioning of the photocells when passing from one exercise to another, thanks to a reliable wireless transmission (range 150 m)

  • Calculate speed (km/h, m/s, mph)

  • Battery powered (10 hour autonomy)

  • Very quick Witty to PC data transfer (for rankings, data assessment and export), thanks to the USB interface

  • Self-configuring photocells

  • Several transmission frequencies available

  • Water resistant

  • Great portability is insured by the included backpack

  • Compatibility with Optojump Next system

  • The system is largely expandable with the possibility to add (single or double) photocells for lap times, accessories such as starting pads, time displaying LED boards, direction indicators, etc.

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