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The best-performing/value for money in-shoe pressure analysis solution on the market enabling the most realistic
assessment of foot pressures
More than three years' development time was required to design this innovative product consisting of two ultra-lightweight units (50 g),
each controlling nine ultra-thin, calibrated sensors.
WINSHOE is the ideal technological solution for real time analysis of the pressure on targeted zones. Sensors can be
positioned freely on the foot, on the sole, or any part of the shoe/boot to measure a pressure contact.
Light and small devices

100 Hz Acquisition
automatic synchro of the two bluetooth boxes
Fast USB charge (1h30)
Full charge battery allow 5 hors of measurement
Simple clip attach to shoelaces or straps
High-precision pressure sensors

9  ultra-thin, calibrated sensors
free postionning
Guaranteed for 1 million uses, validated on test bench

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